Easymux : News, Tips and Tutorials

Category: Computer Knowledge

What Is Compiler And Interpreter?

By easymux on July 4, 2023 Computer Knowledge

Compiler and Interpreter are computer programs that translate high-level programming languages into machine code. However, there is some difference. Read more

Unix Commands You Must Know: A Category-Wise Explanation.

By easymux on April 6, 2023 Computer KnowledgeLinux

Unix commands are a set of instructions that can be executed in a Unix-like operating system (such as Linux, macOS, or FreeBSD) to perform various tasks, such as managing files, directories, processes, users, and system settings. Read more

Command-Line Interface (CLI): The Powerful Computer User Interface.

By easymux on April 3, 2023 Computer KnowledgeLinuxTermux

The Command-Line Interface (CLI) is a powerful and flexible way for users to interact with a computer system. In this era Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) have become the standard for many everyday computing tasks, still CLI remains a crucial tool for advanced users and professionals who require more control and flexibility. Read more

What is web server?

By easymux on January 28, 2023 Computer Knowledge

Web server is a computer where the website and web content is stored. Basically web server is used to host the websites but it can have different purpose too. Web site is collection of web pages while web server is a software that respond to the request for web resources. How Web Server Works? Web server […] Read more

What is the difference between a mobile and computer OS?

By easymux on January 26, 2023 Computer KnowledgeMobile Technology

Mobile and computer OS – operating systems have been developed in different ways and for different uses. Computer OS products are older and more familiar to larger groups of users. What is the difference between a mobile and computer OS? Computer OS Through the last 20 or 30 years, the simple idea of a computer […] Read more

What Does Operating System Mean?

By easymux on January 26, 2023 Computer Knowledge

What Does Operating System Mean? An operating system (OS), in its most general sense, is software that allows a user to run other applications on a computing device. The operating system manages a computer’s software hardware resources, including: The OS also provides services to facilitate the efficient execution and management of, and memory allocations for, […] Read more

What does computer system mean?

By easymux on January 26, 2023 Computer Knowledge

What Does Computer System Mean? A computer system is a basic, complete and functional hardware and software setup with everything needed to implement computing performance. That’s the basic working definition of the computer system as we know it, but it has gone through a lot of formal changes over the past few decades. First, there’s […] Read more